Enabling efficient analysis for increased power capacity
Cognite, Statnett: Statnett Power Grid Analysis
As part of the FRIDA R&D programme EGGS Design and Cognite worked with Statnett to improve Statnett's asset management and grid planning through better use of data from the grid assets and the power system.The programme also contributed to the digital transformation of Statnett, and its digital foundation.

“Previously, I would have spent a week extracting data from the data warehouse to investigate load and flow into and through the Oslo area. Now I can create good assumptions within 1 hour. “
“Sometimes I can pull up TNT in a meeting or discussion, to check out a claim about power flow in the grid. Since it is so fast, we can use it as part of a discussion, instead of going back to our desk and having to meet again later.”
— Power System Analyst in Statnett’s Regional Grid Planning department
One use case focused on creating a single application and data platform for power system analysts. Based on Cognite’s data contextualisation technology, the application TNT provides contextualised data about the Norwegian power grid, that inform decisions about how the grid will respond to increased grid connections, such as electric charging facilities and new wind farms.
All of this has resulted in a significant increase in time saved when handling cases for new grid connections, allowing Statnett to keep up with the increasing demand from new customers and empowering employees and analysts when making critical decisions.
Timeframe of involvement: 2019 - 2022 - 3 years 5 months
Role: Initially UX designer supporting a lead UX/UI designer. During principal designer's paternity leave: Lead UX/UI designer mentoring a UX designer
Responsibilities: UX design, project management, client relationship and contact
Team: EGGS Design: Morten Knudsen, Weronika Cyrankiewicz