A camera and speaker unit to facilitate and aid bonding of parents and their premature babies during neonatal care, and support nurses to provide care for parents.
Oli & Polly Neonatal Units
Graduation Project: Final Year project with client from Oliver Fisher Specialist Baby Care Unit, Medway. From research, and concepting to testing and prototyped final design.

“These devices could effectively save nurses time and improve the bonding experience for parents”
— LOUISE PROFFITT, HEAD NURSE , Oliver Fisher Special Baby Unit
Oli & Polly were the result of a 9-month graduation project during my final year at Loughborough University, where an in-depth research brief culminated in fully-functioning and aesthetic prototypes. The entire project was continually assessed and tested with parents and nurses at the Oliver Fisher Neonatal Unit at Medway Hospital, Kent.
I focused on this sector as a project as my twin and I were born 12 weeks premature and spent a significant amount of time in a neonatal unit. On top of this, my grandfather, Oliver Fisher, had been a neonatal doctor and specialist at Medway Maritime Hospital, and ran a specialist baby unit and charity, which has been named after him. He was always working tirelessly to improve the unit, the babies' care and the experience of the parents during such a traumatic time. He was a keen innovator and the charity enables the unit to provide extra support, equipment and facilities that otherwise would not be available. His work and the care of the nurses during our early lives led me to contact the Oliver Fisher Neonatal Unit and investigate ways that design can improve care and support for neonates and their parents.
The unit was incredibly helpful and enthusiastic; supporting me throughout the project with advice and insights, as well as evaluating the final outcomes. From in-depth user-centred research with their nurses, head clinicians and parents, it was indicated that there was a lack of support for parents and that a device that could help the nurses support parents better would also provide them with more time and minimise stress. It was fascinating to research an area that was so important to myself and my family and try to provide a solution that would benefit parents, neonatal babies and nurses.
Oil: camera unit
Poly: audio recorder and speaker
Mobile applications
A nurse-operated remote camera records short video clips and photos to share key moments that parents miss and keep them updated during care
Parents can record voice clips such as songs, readings, or even their heartbeat and breathing. The speaker unit can be placed into the incubator and recordings are then replayed for the infant. Recordings have been proven to reduce a neonatal infant’s time in hospital.
Two applications, one for nurses and one for parents, provide access and control of video and photo content, as well as the ability to send secure messages.
Timeframe of involvement: 9 months
Role: Industrial designer
The problem: 1 in 9 babies born each year require care in the UK in a neonatal intensive care unit. During this time, there is a lack of opportunities for early bonding at a psychologically challenging time for parents. Time and physical contact with parents and the baby can also be limited
Client: With thanks to Dr Aung Soe and Head Nurse Louise Proffitt from Medway NHS Trust and the Oliver Fisher Specialist Baby unit